Christian Spirituality in Context

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Christian Spirituality in Context

Online Asynchronous (10 weeks)

This module forms part of the ARU MAs and are open to all MA students as part of their degree.

Course Leaders: Dr Gemma Simmonds CJ and Fr Dragos Herescu

Dates: 18th Jan–26th March 2021

This postgraduate module aims to introduce students to some of the major figures and themes in Christian spirituality across many ecumenical traditions (from the spirituality of the Early Church, to early monastic expressions, the Late Middle Ages, the early modernity of nineteenth century, to the present day). Students will explore the ways in which an awareness and re-appropriation of past expressions in Christian spirituality can lead to fresh and meaningful Christian experiences today.


*This course may also be available as a block week in Cambridge (1st–5th Feb 2021) depending on social distancing restrictions. Course Leader: Dr Louise Nelstrop

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