Admission Requirements

General conditions for admission

There are general conditions for admission for the degree programmes that we run — please see the CTF website.  Short courses are open to anyone, regardless of academic background.

  1. The institute considers applications from all who wishes to study as members of the ecumenical Cambridge Theological Federation (CTF).
  2. Although we are a Catholic house within the CTF, we admit students from all Christian denominations, from other faith traditions, and those of no faith but interested in studying on our courses.

Specific Admission Requirements

The following courses have admissions requirements:

Contact us for more information at For details on admission requirements for specific courses, click on the course name or visit the CTF website.

Admissions Procedure

MA. Our Masters degrees are validated via Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge (ARU).  You apply via ARU website.  Once you have submitted your application, you will be contacted to select the House to which you wish to belong. You can then choose the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology (MBIT) and you will then invited you for a short informal online interview with us. (The same process applies which ever House you choose). The links can be found on the CTF website

BTh. The Bachelors in Theology is a Cambridge University degree. The DTM. The Diploma in Theology for Ministry also follows material from the same programme. Please contact the Director of Studies for an application form at

MPhils/PhDs and DProfs.  These postgraduate programmes are validated by Anglia Ruskin University and the application procedure is via the ARU website. Once you have submitted your application, you will be contacted to select the House to which you wish to belong. You can then choose the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology (MBIT) and you will then be invited for a short informal online interview with us. (The same process applies whichever House you choose). The links can be found on the CTF website . It is advised that you meet with the Director of Studies prior to applying to discuss your subject and supervision arrangements.

For MPhils and PhDs at Cambridge university, please contact the Director of Studies at  who will explain the application process. These are Cambridge University degrees and so applications will need to be made via the Cambridge Divinity Faculty.

CTP.  For the Certificate in Catholic Theology and Practice, please see more information here. If you are new to the course, you then be invited short, very informal interview which will introduce you the course and provide you with information about what to expect and where to find course materials.

Other short course and study days.  These are announced from time to time on our website, newsletter and our Eventbrite page.  Please contact us at

If you have any further questions about our admission process, please contact us at


Degree Programme Fees.  The fees for all our degree programmes are explained on the Cambridge Theological Federation (CTF) fees page, here.

House Fees.  TBC.

Study Days and Short Courses.  TBC.

International Students

We welcome applications from international students. We appreciate the contribution that students from other parts of the world and other parts of the Catholic Church make to the learning experience and to the community.  Over the years we have had students from Latvia, the United States of America, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Ireland, Nigeria, Poland, Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea, Uganda and Ghana.

International students may also study on online courses with us.   No visa is needed and no extra fees are charged when studying online.

Frequently-Asked Questions

For international students considering study in person at the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, here is a link to some of the frequently asked questions about applying which include queries about visa issues in relation to Cambridge Theological Federation programmes:

If you are planning to study in the UK, look for these questions:

  • From outside of the United Kingdom, how will I find out about the need for a visa?
  • What type of visa do I need?
  • Will the Federation arrange my visa for me?

We warmly welcome follow up enquiries to the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology from international applicants, but these frequently asked questions should be checked first so you have a clear idea of what will be involved.

Fees and funding

  • Students from outside the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) are considered international students.
  • International student fees are set by the awarding universities.
  • We have a number of bursaries for good applicants. Please see more about bursaries here.


  • All international students who wish to study physically in the UK will need to apply for a visa. Before you can apply for a visa you will need to have:
    • Applied and been accepted onto your chosen course
    • Received a formal letter of acceptance from the awarding university along with a letter of admission from the Institute with information about residency and any bursary (where relevant)
  • You will also need to demonstrate that you have the funds to support your period of study in the UK
  • Visa requirements mean that you will need to allow a good six months between application and the start of the academic year. Applications should be made no later than 1 March of the year of study, and you are advised to arrive in Cambridge in the middle of September.

You do not need a visa if you are studying for a course that is run entirely online.

Contact us at for further information.


We invite applications from full-time and part-time candidates (both existing students and new) for fixed-term Postgraduate Bursaries.

The Institute has the following types of student bursary:

  • NEW FOR 2024-25: one ‘Pastoral Formation’ 50% tuition fee bursary funded by the Canonesses of St Augustine (for part-time Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care MA only; note: unsuccessful applicants will be considered automatically for other bursaries.
  • Postgraduate and short course bursaries funded through a grant from the Canonesses of St Augustine.
  • Postgraduate, short course and study day bursaries funded directly by the institute.

Value of Bursaries

It is the Institute’s policy to retain flexibility about the value of bursaries in order to respond to the needs of an individual student, and to make best use of the funding available in each of the bursary funds.

Term of Bursaries

We consider the whole of a student’s course in allocating our bursaries. This ensures that students on longer courses have their need for funding throughout the duration of their study considered from the outset.

After the first year, each case will be reviewed annually providing the required form and information is submitted each year.  As long as academic requirements are met to a satisfactory level and outstanding fees are paid, then normally those on two- or three- year courses can have certainty of funding during the entire course of studies.

Use of Bursary Funding

Bursary funding may be applied to the payment of fees and/or student maintenance and in some cases other costs. Each case is considered individually.


  • All applicants must be students at (or have applied to) the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, studying for an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at either Anglia Ruskin University or University of Cambridge, or another MBIT course. Research applicants may also be considered.
  • The main criterion for the selection of eligible students is financial need. This means that applicants must be willing to divulge their financial situation, both income and expected expenditure.
  • They must also be able to show that they have exhausted other avenues for funding, including the advice they will be given by the Institute about other sources of funding.
  • In making a decision, household earnings are taken into account which normally include earnings from employment, job seekers allowance, employment & support allowance, pension, working tax credits, child tax credits, other regular income. This does not include: housing benefit, child benefit, disability living allowance or personal independence payments.
  • Full and part-time students are eligible for bursary funding.
  • Applications may come from students living anywhere in the world.
  • Students may apply at any stage of their course of studies, provided they apply before the cut-off point in any particular year.
  • Applications will also be considered in line with (a) MBI’s founding purpose, (b) mission, (c) values/operational beliefs and (d) the strategic goals and priorities as expressed in the MBI Strategy.

Timing of Applications and Decisions

Applications for funding should be made after the normal admissions process has been completed and a place has been offered.  During the admissions process, applicants should indicate any intention to apply for a bursary to the Director of Studies who will advise them on the application process, including the completion of these documents:

Individuals intending to make an application for bursary funding should complete the admissions process as early as possible in the academic year. There will be two rounds of bursary applications for the 2024-25 academic year: applications in round 1 must be received by Friday 31 May at 17:00, and applications for round 2 must be received by Friday 30 August at 17:00. Any applications made later than this date will not normally be considered.

Students in the second or third years of their programme whose financial situation has changed and are applying for a bursary for the first time should also apply by either by Friday 31 May at 17:00, and applications for round 2 must be received by Friday 30 August at 17:00, as should students who received a bursary in 2023-24 who would like to apply for continued funding.

We encourage you to discuss your situation with the Director of Studies as soon as possible.

Conditions of Bursaries

  • Prospective students who have been awarded a bursary will be expected to show a firm commitment to taking up their place at the Institute.
  • Continuing students must have successfully completed all the requirements of the year before a bursary can be renewed. They should also have paid all outstanding bills to the Institute and/or Cambridge Theological Federation, University of Cambridge or Anglia Ruskin University.
  • The Bursary Panel will determine whether a student receives a bursary. Students in receipt of bursaries from the Canonesses of St Augustine will be expected to provide a brief profile of themselves, using a proforma that can be shared with the donors of their bursaries. They will also be asked to provide a short personal reflection at the end of their course of study.
  • Those receiving a bursary commit to participating in the academic life of the Institute, e.g. research seminars, events.

Bursary Panel

The Panel comprises members of the Academic team, chaired by the Principal and the Director of Finance.

Appeals Against Decisions of the Panel

The decision of the Panel is final and there is no appeals procedure.

Updated 16 April 2024.

Government Funding and Universities Bursaries

Applicants who have not studied for a degree are eligible to take out a Tuition Fee Loan from the Government to cover the cost of your tuition fees.  For more detailed information on tuition fee loans please see here.

You may find the following organisations useful:

Department for Education
The Council for International Education – for international students
Access to Learning

Margaret Beaufort Institute offers substantial bursaries for full and part time study.