CTP Module 2 The Nameless Women of the Bible: From Potiphar’s Wife to the Samaritan Woman

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One calculation of named individuals in the Bible records 2,900 men and only 170 women.  But what of the hundreds of nameless women who flit across the pages of the Old and New Testaments?  This course will explore the plight and personalities of some of these women, from the well-known Samaritan Woman to the relatively unknown Wise Woman of Tekoa.  While doing so it will cast a light on the faith stories and socio-economic circumstances of a great variety of women and deepen your knowledge of books as diverse as Deuteronomy and 1 Timothy.  You will also be introduced to parallel versions of certain stories from the synoptic gospels, and to a wide range of biblical genres, from the narrative and law to parable and epistle.  The primary focus will be on the biblical texts which recount their fates, but their stories will also be discussed with reference to art, literature, and informative commentary. By the end of the course you will still not know the names of these women, but you will know them.

Course Leader: Dr Rosalie Moloney

Dates: Thursdays 4th to 25th November 2021, 2:00pm to 5:30 PM.  Evening Liturgy 6pm

Online via Zoom

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