Diocesan Certificate of Catholic Studies

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Diocesan Certificate of Catholic Studies

The Diocesan Certificate of Catholic Studies offers an informal opportunity to learn about the Catholic faith. The course was commissioned by Bishop Alan Hopes, and the Margaret Beaufort Institute runs it on behalf of the Diocese of East Anglia.

It is an entry level theology course. We explore topics such as the overall structure of the Bible, how the Bible is used within the liturgy and who the person of Christ might be for us as individuals and as a group, as well as the church, the sacraments and moral theology.

We plan to run the full course at the Institute over three afternoons:   9, 16, and 23 June 2021. Depending on restrictions relating to COVID-19 the course may be online.

It is also possible to run the course in a school as in-service training or in a parish. Please get in touch with Sue Price (sep56@cam.ac.uk) if you would like to make informal enquiries about running it in your parish or school.

Cost: £120 (full course) + £60 for accreditation

To apply: contact Sue Price sep56@cam.ac.uk

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