Module 3 (Online): Moral Theology Today: Shifts and Trends

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Module 3 (Online)

Moral Theology Today: Shifts and Trends

This course explores the state of moral theology today by looking at four historical and contemporary shifts and trends. The first three sessions will be led by Dr Elizabeth Phillips.  First we look at how moral theology changed during and after the Reformation, comparing and contrasting Catholic Moral Theology and Protestant Christian Ethics.  Next we consider the resurgence of Virtue Ethics in the twentieth century and why some theologians have rejected this trend. Then we look at more recent trends towards ethnographic methods in ethics which attend closely to and describe the realities of everyday life. Finally,  in a session led by Dr Anna Abram, we will consider another recently proposed shift in Catholic thought, from Moral Theology to Ecclesial Ethics.

Course Leaders: Dr Elizabeth Phillips and Dr Anna Abram

Dates: Thursday afternoons 21st Jan-11th Feb 2021, 2-5.30pm. Evening Liturgy 6pm

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