Let My People Go: Reading the Book of Exodus A Gateway to the Old Testament

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This exciting 8 week course offers participants a dual opportunity – to read in its entirety a significant book of the Bible and to be involved in a ground-breaking research project.

The Book of Exodus with its emphasis on the liberation of God’s people is a major key to understanding both the Old and New Testaments. Familiar stories include the birth of Moses, the ten plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, manna in the desert, the giving of the Ten Commandments… You may have encountered these accounts in childhood and through readings at Sunday or weekday Mass. But are you aware that Sunday Mass readings draw on only twelve of the forty chapters of the book? Is it time to examine these stories from a mature faith perspective rather than through the eyes of a child? Now is the chance to read, discuss, and understand Exodus in full.

At the same you can benefit from the fruits of a MBIT research project which is examining the reasons why many Catholic women are reluctant to read the Old Testament. Drawing on the findings from this research the course on Exodus will address some of the OT aspects which provoke this hesitation including an ambivalent depiction of God, patriarchal attitudes, multiplicity of genres, and strange codes and customs. Your feedback will help shape future biblical programmes and initiatives, while it may open for you a whole new perspective on the Old Testament, the Scriptures that Jesus knew.

Leader:  Rosalie Moloney

Cost:  £200

Dates: 17 January 2023 to 7 March 2023 ; 8 weeks

Time:  5:30pm to 7:00pm London time

Method:  Onsite at MBIT in Cambridge OR online by Zoom

To register, email apply@mbit.cam.ac.uk.  For those new to the Catholic Theology and Practice series, this course requires a short application form to be completed by the student.

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