Seminar Series: Research Skills in Theology

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Seminar Series: Research Skills in Theology 

Theological Writing: finding a voice  

Lent term  


2nd February 2023, 2–4 pm

Scripture and Community 

in dialogue with memory and hope 


16th Feb 2023, 2–4pm

Tradition and Spirituality  

in dialogue with prayer and patterns of holy living 


2nd March 2023, 2–4 pm

Theology and Mission

in dialogue with the outer life of the community of faith


Academic writing in theology: endings 

Easter term  


27th April 2023, 2–4 pm

Theology and the political arena

in dialogue with civic society and centres of power

11th May 2023, 2–4 pm

How to make a good ending 


25th May 2023, 2–4 pm

Introductions, conclusions – and abstracts  

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