Past Events › Event

Women Who Changed the Church Lecture: Black Catholic Nuns in the Long African American Freedom Struggle

Online with Zoom

Mary Ward Lecture 2022 Dr Shannen Dee Williams discusses the history of Black Catholic nuns in the United States, hailing them as the “forgotten prophets” of Catholicism and democracy. Drawing on oral histories and previously sealed church records, Williams demonstrates how master narratives of women’s religious life and Catholic commitments to racial and gender justice fundamentally change when the lives and experiences of African American nuns are taken seriously. For Black Catholic women and girls, embracing the celibate religious state constituted a radical act of resistance to white supremacy and the sexual terrorism built into chattel slavery and segregation. Williams [...]


Living, Ageing, Dying: Exploring the Life Course in Dialogue with Gregory of Nyssa’s Life of Macrina

Online with Zoom

This study day will take as its guide the fourth century Cappadocian abbess, Saint Macrina, as she is mediated to us through the writing of Gregory of Nyssa. We will consider especially the interrelation of her living and dying, asking how her living prepares for a distinctive kind of dying, and examine how the particular practices of her life frames the meaning of her death.  Her example will help us critically engage with a number of troubling presumptions about ageing and dying in our own era. Course Leader: Dr Jessica Scott Date: Wednesday March 16th 2022, 10.30am– 4.00pm (includes lunch [...]


Seminar Series: Research Skills in Theology

MBIT in Cambridge or Online via Zoom 12 - 14 Grange Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Seminar Series: Research Skills in Theology  Theological Writing: finding a voice   Lent term     2nd February 2023, 2–4 pm Scripture and Community  in dialogue with memory and hope    16th Feb 2023, 2–4pm Tradition and Spirituality   in dialogue with prayer and patterns of holy living    2nd March 2023, 2–4 pm Theology and Mission in dialogue with the outer life of the community of faith   Academic writing in theology: endings  Easter term     27th April 2023, 2–4 pm Theology and the political arena in dialogue with civic society and centres of power 11th May 2023, 2–4 pm [...]


Let My People Go: Reading the Book of Exodus A Gateway to the Old Testament

MBIT in Cambridge or Online via Zoom 12 - 14 Grange Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

This exciting 8 week course offers participants a dual opportunity – to read in its entirety a significant book of the Bible and to be involved in a ground-breaking research project. The Book of Exodus with its emphasis on the liberation of God’s people is a major key to understanding both the Old and New Testaments. Familiar stories include the birth of Moses, the ten plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, manna in the desert, the giving of the Ten Commandments... You may have encountered these accounts in childhood and through readings at Sunday or weekday Mass. But are [...]


Moral Development Reasoning and Decision Making

Online with Zoom

This course provides introduction developmental moral psychology in conversation with selected themes from within normative philosophical ethics (for example, ‘care’, ‘justice’ and ‘duty’. It engages with science and art.  It inquires into such questions as ‘what is moral maturity?’; how does the moral self develop?’; ‘what constitutes and conditions moral growth’?; ‘how to achieve moral excellence?’; ‘is good character enough for leading morally good life?’, ‘how do we assess difficult moral situations and prioritise goods?’; ‘how do we deal with moral incontinence or failure?’; ‘what should the content of moral education be in order foster moral growth?’. Cost:  £230 Dates: [...]


Event Series Ethics MA

Catholic Social Thought

Online with Zoom

Catholic Social Thought (CST) includes the body of official social teachings of the Catholic Church as well as a wider body of thought and practice related to economic, social, and political life. Much of CST has been explicitly addressed not only to Catholics, but to people of all faiths and none, as it addresses issues of our common sociality and our common political structures. In this module we will introduce official documents (Catholic Social Teaching) as well as other sources, thinkers, social movements and practical action (wider Catholic social thought and praxis), focusing on the development of CST as well [...]


Christian Mysticism East & West

Online with Zoom

Students will examine a variety of mystical texts, teachings and figures, for example: Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom, Hadewijch and Teresa of Avila, from a variety of Christian traditions and will explore the continuities and discontinuities between pre-modern mystical texts understood in their historical and cultural context and contemporary interpretations from East and West. Students will explore the languages and images used within mystical texts and key doctrinal beliefs associated with Christian mysticism. Wednesdays 10th May – 28th June 2023 15.30 -18.00 Plus Intensive Saturday 7th October 2023 10am-17.00pm Add Event To Your Calendar Register here [...]



NR1 1QT Rouen Road Norwich NR1 1QT

JULIAN PILGRIMAGE TO MEDIEVAL NORWICH event is officially sold out! For those who missed out on securing a spot for this incredible journey, don’t worry since we have an exciting lineup of upcoming events that we would love for you to be a part of. The next event on our calendar is the ANNUAL CAMBRIDGE ALUMNI FESTIVAL. Simply click on the following link to secure your spot: Join us for a fascinating and spiritually enriching pilgrimage through medieval Norwich in this, the 650th anniversary of Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love. The day will be led by Sr [...]


Annual Cambridge Alumni Festival

Cambridge Blackfriars Buckingham Road Cambridge CB3 0DD

The Margaret Beaufort Institute is now 30! To celebrate this milestone, Blackfriars Priory will be opening its gardens to alumnae, friends and those with an interest in learning more about the Institute for a lavish tea party. An opportunity to connect and re-connect in beautiful surroundings. Programme: Welcome address followed by a lavish cream tea in the Priory's gardens with opportunity to re-connect with former students and make new connections. There will also be opportunity to ask questions from current members of staff and past students & to become members of the Margaret Beaufort Association. You can book your place [...]



Online with Zoom

EXPLORING BIBLICAL VOICES This ten-work short course offers a creative engagement with a breadth of texts and methods in contemporary biblical studies. The course is team-taught by leading specialists in the fields of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Second Temple Judaism, and New Testament studies. Sessions will range across studies of the Pentateuch and Prophets, Wisdom literature, Gospels and Pauline literature, as well as less familiar texts, providing a snap-shot of the diversity of texts and approaches. The course is open to all who are interested in enriching their knowledge of Scripture, with no prior study required. Tuesday Evenings from the 3rd of October to [...]


Discussion on the Synod’s Instrumentum Laboris

Online with Zoom

The Synod on Synodality, launched in October 2021, is one of the most important initiatives of Pope Francis’ pontificate. It also represents the widest process of listening/consultation ever to have taken place across the worldwide Catholic Church. Its purpose – as the word “synod” signifies - is to enable all the members of the Church to learn better how to journey together, a journeying together that seeks to give witness to the mission entrusted to it by the Risen Christ. Through the gift and guidance of the Spirit the whole process seeks to open horizons of hope for the fulfilment [...]


Event Series International Conference

The Ministry of Women and Diaconal Ordination in the Catholic Church

Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge 25 West Road Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Synod synthesis documents make it clear that there is a strong call across the Catholic Church for the recognition and development of women’s ministry in the Catholic Church. The inclusion of women in the diaconate, attested in the New Testament, is proposed by the Synod's Instrumentum Laboris as a means to enable this. Scholars including Prof Phyllis Zagano and Prof Bernard Pottier SJ, former members of the first Papal Commission on Women and Diaconate, will examine the historical diaconate of women and what it could offer for the whole Church now, as well as considering how to promote the wider [...]

£10 – £45