Catholic Belief and Doctrine with Thomas Aquinas
This 8 week course provides an overview of basic Catholic belief and doctrine, based on the treatment of the “Angelic Doctor,” St. Thomas Aquinas.
The Ministry of Women in the Catholic Church
Documents make it clear that there is a strong call across the Catholic Church for the recognition and development of women’s ministry in the Catholic Church.
Spirituality in the Ignatian Tradition
This course will enable students to examine and reflect critically upon the theory and practice of Christian spiritual direction with a specific focus on the Ignatian Tradition.
Christian Spirituality East and West
This course aims to introduce you to some of the major theoretical approaches to Christian Spirituality East and West and some of the major figures and themes in Christian spirituality...
The Synod on Synodality, 2024: How did we get here? Where are we going?
Synods, and their importance for the life and mission of the Church, have been one of the most significant features of Pope Francis’ pontificate. The importance he attaches to them...
The Gospel of Luke 6-9: Education for Discipleship
This four-week short course centres on a short section within the Gospel of Luke (chapters 6-9), the Gospel which is the focus of the Lectionary readings for this coming liturgical...
Welcome to our New Home at Woolf
We invite you to join us for our ‘Welcome to our new home at Woolf’ event on Wednesday 23 October 2024. The event will start with a 10:00 a.m. Mass...
Beyond the Coat of many Colours: Reading the Joseph Narrative (Genesis 37-50)
Many are familiar with the story of Joseph thanks to childhood storybooks and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, but few may have studied this fascinating text in detail. This...
Mary Ward Lecture – The Synod, the Diaconate, and Women
The Mary Ward Lecture – The Mary Ward Lecture is a distinguished event organized every year by The Margaret Beaufort Institute, which seeks to illuminate the complexities and richness of...
Spiritual Direction in the Ignatian Tradition
This course will enable students to examine and reflect critically upon the theory and practice of Christian spiritual direction with a specific focus on the Ignatian Tradition. Building on the...
Celtic and Medieval Spirituality
Celtic and Medieval Spirituality This course will be exploring the Medieval roots and expressions of Celtic Spirituality. Is Celtic Spirituality a modern construct? Celtic Spirituality is popular in contemporary Christianity...
Aquinas & The Cardinal Virtues
About this course: The goal of the Christian life is union with God, which is our beatitude, or true and lasting happiness. In this course, we will learn about the...
Practising Synodality: Toolkits for Churches, Schools, and Communities
Practising Synodality: Toolkits for Churches, Schools, and Communities A collaborative workshop organised by The Von Hügel Institute, St Edmund’s College and The Margaret Beaufort Institute What difference will synodality make? How can...