Docherty, Susan E. and Smith, S. (eds.), The Scriptures in the Book of Revelation and Apocalyptic: Essays in Honour of Steve Moyise. (Library of New Testament Studies Series 634) London: Bloomsbury, 2023

Kowalski, B. and Docherty, S.E. (eds.), Let My People Go: The Reception of Exodus Motifs in Jewish and Christian Literature. (Themes in Biblical Narrative Series 30) 2021, Leiden: Brill

Dominic White (2020). How Do I Look? Theology in the Age of the Selfie (SCM Press).  Book launch video January 2021 here.

Elizabeth Powell (2020). David Jones and the Craft of Theology: Becoming Beauty (London: Bloomsbury).

Ela Łazarewicz-Wyrzykowska (2020). ‘New Vision of Biblical Formation in the Catholic Church’Pastoral Review (January).

F J Stone-Davis (2020). ‘Call and Response: Negation and the Configuration of Desire’, paper at Notre Dame conference Art, Desire and God: Phenomenological Perspectives (October 2–3). [Live until early 2021].

Michael Barnes (2020). Waiting on Grace, a Theology of Dialogue (Oxford University Press, 2020).

Gemma Simmonds (2020). Perfectae Caritatis‘, in Richard Gaillardetz (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Second Vatican Council (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

F J Stone-Davis (2020). ‘Harmony embedded: transcendence and the material’, keynote at The 2020 Friends of Sophia ConferenceDivine Harmony.

Ela Łazarewicz-Wyrzykowska (2020). Online lecture, ‘Thinking with Bakhtin’. Don Bosco Chinthanaloka Institute of Philosophy and Humanities in Sri Lanka.

Catherine Sexton (2020). ‘Africa: Future sustainability and ‘deep story’ (with María Calderón-Muñoz), Pastoral Review 16(3). [Restricted Access].

Christine Lai (2020). Online presentation on ‘Spirituality of Integral Human Development for Ageing: an intercultural dimension’ at Oxford McDonald Centre of Theology, Ethics and Public Life – Ageing Conference on Ageing, Suffering and Despair – towards health and care.

Elizabeth Phillips (2020). ‘Cultivating the Common Good at the Margins of the Commons: An Ethnographic Portrait of Transformative Pluralism in a High-Security Prison’Political Theology 21. [Restricted Access].

Férdia J Stone-Davis (2020). ‘Revaluing Silence’, in On Commemoration, eds. Catherine Gilbert, Kate McLoughlin & Niall Munroe (Bern: Peter Lang).

Melanie-Prejean. Sullivan (2020). ‘Eucharistic imagination as a paradigm for practical theology’, Practical Theology1(11). [Free access].

Louise Nelstrop (2020). ‘Erotic and Nuptial Imagery’, in Mark McIntosh and Edward Howells, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Mystical Theology (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Gemma Simmonds (2020). ‘Mystical Ecclesiology’, in Mark McIntosh and Edward Howells, (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Mystical Theology (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Dr. Catherine Sexton and Dr. Maria Calderón Muñoz (2020) The Religious Life Africa project have produced a summary report and a final full report.

Gemma Simmonds (2020). Religious Life: Discerning the Future (with María Calderón-Muñoz). Joint Project Report for the Religious Life Institute and Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, 2020. [Free access].

Gemma Simmonds (2020). Treasuring God’s Word: the Art of Stephen Foster (Slough, Pauline Books and Media).

Gemma Simmonds (2020). ‘Reflections on Mary and Mission’, in Susan Lucas (ed.), God’s Church in the World: the Gift of Catholic Mission (London, Canterbury Press).

Gemma C.J. Simmonds’ chapter ‘Walking in Grandmothers’ Footsteps: Mary Ward and the Medieval Spiritual and Intellectual Heritage’ has just been published in a volume, Women Intellectuals and Leaders in the Middle Ages, edited by Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, Katie Bugyis and John Van Engen, and published by Boydell and Brewer (April 2020).

Dr Louise Nelstrop’s monograph On Deification and Sacred Eloquence: Richard Rolle and Julian of Norwich was published by Taylor & Francis in October 2019. The book considers the place of deification in the writings of Julian of Norwich and Richard Rolle, two of the fourteenth-century English Mystics. It argues that, as a consequence of a belief in deification, both produce writing that is helpfully viewed as sacred eloquence.

Adrienne Chaplin Dengenerink (2019). The Philosophy of Susanne K. Langer: Embodied Meaning in Logic, Art and Feeling (London: Bloomsbury).

Rebecca Skreslet Hernandez (2020). Paper ‘Egyptian Protestant public theology’ given at conference in Cyprus sponsored by the Christian Academic Forum for Citizenship in the Middle East. A revised version of this paper will appear in summer 2020 as part of a special issue on Middle Eastern Christianity in the peer-reviewed publication Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context.

RELIGIOUS LIFE VITALITY: key findings can be found here.

ON HUMAN NATURE, Sir Roger Scruton: a video of the talk given at Queen’s Theatre, Emmanuel College on 18 May 2018 can be found here.

FAKE NEWS AND THE VIRTUE OF TRUTH – WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THOMAS AQUINAS?, Dr Anna Abram: a video of the Aquinas lecture given at the University of Leuven can be found here.

‘REDEEMING THE MYSTERY’: FAKE NEWS, ‘EDUCATION FOR TRUTH’ AND THOMAS AQUINAS, Dr Anna Abram: a video of the keynote given at Heythrop’s Summer Conference, ‘Let Him Easter in Us’, 7th July 2018 can be found here.

POPULISM AND CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING: CIVIC IMAGINATION AND PRACTICAL WISDOM, Dr Amy Daughton: the audio of the presentation given at the Centre for Catholic Studies 10th Anniversary Celebratory Conference – ‘Catholic Theology in the Public Academy: Searching the Questions, Sounding the Depths’, on March 20th 2018, can be found here.