Past Events › Seminars

Zoom Seminar: The Hidden Treasure: The Bible in Liturgy, Lectionary and Life.

Online with Zoom

Zoom Seminar: The Hidden Treasure: The Bible in Liturgy, Lectionary and Life. The Bible can be viewed as a hidden treasure, valued but often unread, particularly by many Catholics. This seminar will first explore our past collective and individual relationship with the Bible. Then we will examine the use of the Bible in liturgy and the lectionary and how that use can affect our engagement with Sacred Scripture, for both good and ill. Lastly, we will share ways and resources to enhance our future enjoyment of the riches of the Bible. Course Leader: Dr Rosalie Moloney Date: Wednesday 10th February [...]


Research Seminar: Thinking Beyond the Particular

Online with Zoom

We offer supportive study skills seminars for MBIT research students.  We warmly welcome those outside of the Margaret Beaufort Institute student community also.   Please contact Dr Férdia Stone-Davis at for more information or to register for this seminar. Thinking Beyond the Particular: Regenerating Academic Practices through the (Extra)Curricula In this course we will read and discuss intersectionality in academic research practices.  Our goal is to examine this topic by questioning strategies of knowledge production.  To do so, we will invite in voices less heard in academic spaces, exploring the politics of citation.  How and who do we cite in our [...]


Women Who Changed the Church: Teresa of Avila: Reformer, Mystic, Spiritual Guide

Online with Zoom

St Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) is a towering figure in Christian spirituality, her influence extending far beyond the Carmelite Order in which she established her reformed or ‘discalced’ branch of nuns and friars, now spread throughout the world.  In an age when women were expected to restrict their spiritual horizons to reciting vocal prayers and receiving the sacraments, Teresa discovered friendship with Christ as the gateway to contemplative prayer, experienced for herself the most exalted forms of mystical union and, undaunted by the Inquisition, encouraged her sisters to do likewise.  Her mystical writings quickly became spiritual classics and continue to [...]


Women Who Changed the Church Lecture: Female Self Understanding, Theological Reflection and the Practice of Art

Online with Zoom

In this lecture, Sr  Pavlína Marie Kašparová will focus on female self-understanding, introducing recent case studies, including those from her research project, 'The Women of the Book', in which she investigated the presence of religious femininity and its representation in public. She will discuss how such work relates to the theme of women's identity and self-image within the Catholic Church and its teaching. She will also explore how theological reflection and art practice is used as a methodology to express, analyse and communicate the topic of self-representation to the women involved in her research (both in terms of self-journaling and [...]


Women Who Changed the Church Lecture: Women and the Synod

Online with Zoom

Many Catholic women, the mainstays of Catholic pastoral ministry, are increasingly frustrated by the Church’s response to requests for increased presence in the Church, for increased inclusion in pastoral ministry, for increased participation in decision making. How has the Church’s responded to their requests, to their repeated requests, for increased recognition of women as icons of Christ, and thereby appropriate persons to work as professionals in stable offices in the Church? Will the Synod make any difference? Date/ Time: 24 February 2022, 2:00pm to 3:30pm Cost: £10 Lecturer: Dr Phyllis Zagano Register via Eventbrite HERE. Women Who Changed the Church is [...]


Research Seminar Series: Academic Writing in Theology

Online with Zoom

We offer supportive study skills seminars for research students.  Our own students get priority, but all are welcome if places are available.  Please contact Dr Férdia Stone Davis for more information at Research Seminar Series: Academic Writing in Theology How to Begin? Lent Term on Wednesdays 19 January 2022, 1pm–3pm: What is a PhD anyway?  Identifying a research question and getting started. 02 February 2022, 1pm–3pm: Academic writing: working within a discipline, building a structure and crafting the appropriate style. 16 February 2022, 1pm–3pm: Project and time management: discipline, deadlines and planning ahead. 02 March 2022, 1pm–3pm: Methods, methodologies [...]


Women Who Changed the Church Lecture: On “Unruly” Catholic Nuns

Online with Zoom

Dr. Jeana DelRosso of Notre Dame of Maryland University will address the voices of current and former Catholic nuns who write about their lived experiences with Catholicism, both in accordance and in conflict with the institutional Church. Through their writings we learn how these women act out their missions of social justice, challenge cultural and governmental policies, and attempt to reconcile their unruliness with their religious orders and the strictures of the church hierarchy. Date/ Time: 3 March 2022, 2:00pm to 3:30pm Cost: £10 Lecturer: Dr Jeana DelRosso Register via Eventbrite:  HERE Women Who Changed the Church is a series [...]


Women Who Changed the Church Lecture: Black Catholic Nuns in the Long African American Freedom Struggle

Online with Zoom

Mary Ward Lecture 2022 Dr Shannen Dee Williams discusses the history of Black Catholic nuns in the United States, hailing them as the “forgotten prophets” of Catholicism and democracy. Drawing on oral histories and previously sealed church records, Williams demonstrates how master narratives of women’s religious life and Catholic commitments to racial and gender justice fundamentally change when the lives and experiences of African American nuns are taken seriously. For Black Catholic women and girls, embracing the celibate religious state constituted a radical act of resistance to white supremacy and the sexual terrorism built into chattel slavery and segregation. Williams [...]


Seminar Series: Research Skills in Theology

MBIT in Cambridge or Online via Zoom 12 - 14 Grange Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Seminar Series: Research Skills in Theology  Theological Writing: finding a voice   Lent term     2nd February 2023, 2–4 pm Scripture and Community  in dialogue with memory and hope    16th Feb 2023, 2–4pm Tradition and Spirituality   in dialogue with prayer and patterns of holy living    2nd March 2023, 2–4 pm Theology and Mission in dialogue with the outer life of the community of faith   Academic writing in theology: endings  Easter term     27th April 2023, 2–4 pm Theology and the political arena in dialogue with civic society and centres of power 11th May 2023, 2–4 pm [...]
