In an era where the pressure to achieve results often leads to imbalances in our personal and professional lives, we might find ourselves questioning whether all the effort was worth it. What does it mean to be a flourishing leader in these challenging times?

Our principal, Anna Abram, supported by a two-year grant from the Laing Family Trusts Foundation, is investigating the notion of ‘ethical leadership’ by drawing insights from the academic disciplines that our Institute represents as well as studying other resources, and evaluating models and practices of leadership. Anna’s project aims to identify and address obstacles to good leadership. It intends to develop practical ways of supporting leaders, fostering compassionate leadership culture and proposing a framework for leadership accompaniment.

Anna started this project in January 2024 by obtaining Certificate in Executive Coaching from The Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge. In April, she followed The King’s Fund course ‘An introduction to leading with kindness and compassion in health and social care’.

In the past 8 months, she has been working with her colleague Dr Zinia Pritchard, a Contemplative Practical Theologian and Dark Night scholar, from St Stephen’s College, University of Alberta, Canada. This September Anna and Zinia will co-lead a meeting-retreat on Contemplative Leadership for a group of women leaders.

Stay tuned as we continue to explore how this ground-breaking project unfolds and its impact on the future of leadership.