Academic Summary:

PhD Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge 2016

MPhil Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge 2009

MA Regent College, Vancouver 2005


Research Interests:

The visual art, poetry and writings of David Jones; environmental theology and contemplative ecology; nature writing and ecopoetry



Acting Director of Research, Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, Cambridge

Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame London (August 2021-present)

Courses: ‘Contemplative Ecology and Modern British Ecopoetry’ (ENGL 24591); ‘Theology and

Visual Arts’ (THEO 24276).


Select Publications:

David Jones and the Craft of Theology: Becoming Beauty (London: Bloomsbury, 2020).

‘Paradoxes of Enclosure: David Jones’s Nativity’, Commonweal Magazine (September 2020).

‘Do not worry’: A Theological and Visual Commentary on Matthew 6/Luke 12:22-34, Visual Commentary on Scripture: Encountering the Bible in the Company of Artists.

‘The Quest for Sacrament in David Jones’s Poem, “A, a, a, DOMINE DEUS”’, Religion and Literature 49 no. 1 (Summer 2018).


Other details:

Following her PhD, Elizabeth was Teaching Associate in Christian Theology at Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge (2016-2018). She was then La Retraite Fellow in Theology & Spirituality at Centre for Catholic Studies (CCS) at Durham University, concurrent with her post as Research Associate at the Margaret Beaufort Institute (2018-2021). The following year she continued her work with the CCS, developing the Catholicism, Literature and the Arts research strand as conference organiser for ‘CLA III: Liturgy and Place’ (12-14 July 2022) in partnership with the University of Notre Dame London. She also contributed to the Templeton-funded project, ‘Phenomenology of Theological Practice: Modelling Enquiry and Poiesis’ as Research Associate at Durham University (2022-2023). The past year she has enjoyed working as a part-time carer for her neighbour and embracing her long-deferred desire to not only read poetry but risk writing some too.

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